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Article Topics /論著題目
1 Cognitive Modelling of Early Music Reading Skill Acquisition for Piano
~ by National Research Council Cananda & School of Music, Univeristy of Ottawa
2 Comparing Two Approaches for Teaching Rhythm Reading Skills to First-Grade Children : A Pilot Study
~ by Western Michigan University & Case Western Reserve University
3 How Does Music Reading Expertise Modulate Visual Processing of English Words?
~ by Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong
4 Practicing a Musical Instrument in Childhood is Associated with Enhanced Verbal Ability and Nonverbal Reasoning
~ by Department of Neurology, Beth Isreal Deaconess Medical Centre and Harvard Medical School, Boston
Department of Psychology, Boston College
5 Teaching Music to Deaf Students
~ by Luana Marler (Texas State Board Certified Interpreter)
6 The Surprising Science Behind What Music Does to Our Brains
~ by Anastasia Belyh
7 幼兒音樂概念發展學習與多感官教學遊戲應用初探
~ 崑山科技大學幼兒保育系
8 以音樂概念為主軸之幼兒音樂課程設計研究
~ 國立臺中教育大學幼兒教育學系
9 幼兒音樂欣賞教學之初探
~ 大同技術學院保育系