Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


Our Tutors2

  /  Our Tutors2

Vivian Wong


Erin Yu


Q1: What magic wand do you have when facing an attention drifting student in your classroom?
Mmm…Some teaching materials will help a lot. The Do-It-Yourself stuff with a good mix of colour and graphics always does a good job to get their attention. Multi-sensory stimulation and a curious mind will help draw students closer to music.

Q2: One day, your smart student tells you – “ I’m not going to practice for your homework.”, what will you do?
I can imagine this could happen to an average child whose time is so packed with activities. Why don’t I choose his favorite music piece for him to play and to get the extra learning benefit of techniques in that piece? I believe once he has the interest, he will gradually pick up more practices and have the drive to do better.


Q3: What is the best way to encourage a student?
Students need encouragement. Every time we notice any progress, it’s a chance to give praise, and particularly to let them know what exactly that they have accomplished. Get their direction and goal clearly set to prepare them well for continued progress.

Q4: What kind of students do you like the most?
No doubt the hard-working ones – but that’s just one side of the picture. We actually find those energetic, passionate and responsive students bring us delightful and fulfilling teaching experience.

Q5: What are the common questions you hear from parents?
“Why is my child not learning as fast as he should be?” “When will my child practice by himself without being asked?” are the questions.
I guess, the basic truth lies in whether your child has interest in music.


Marco Kwok

Bachelor of Arts (1 st Hon) in Music, Hong Kong Baptist University, H.K.
英國聖三一音樂學院演奏專業文憑 LTCL
英國聖三一音樂學院鋼琴演奏文憑 LTCL

曾於多間中小學任教高音及低音銅管班及樂團指揮,帶領各樂團參與演出及比賽。又於私人授課作曲編曲、鋼琴、銅管樂器、五至八級樂理,學生均於英國皇家樂器考試取得良好 (Merit) 或以上成績。

2017年,音樂小組作品《驚弓之鳥》入選由香港創樂團及 Philadelphia合辦的徵譜活動。翌年獲選為「港樂作曲家工作坊 – 由《指環》出發」作曲家之一,並為香港管弦樂團創作管弦樂作品《南柯一夢》。

近年接受多個團體邀請創作或編寫多首作品。2019年,獲音樂事務處委約為管樂團編寫《童謠組曲》; 此外擔任誇啦啦藝術集匯 (AFTEC)之藝術家,並於香港青年協會擔當作曲導師,致力教導年青人創作及製作音樂。2020年,受母校東華三院黃笏南中學邀請,為校慶六十周年創作《薪火承傳》,更為此曲編寫人聲及管樂團版本。現於香港大學音樂系擔任助教。

Q: Can every music student learn how to compose?

Yes, there is no doubt about it. Every student can compose, regardless of age and upbringing.

