Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


Music Technology

  /  Music Technology

MusGarden –
Makes Rhythm and
Notes Reading
Trainable for
Young Children

MusGarden is our self-developed music teaching system that breaks the wall of traditional classroom by enable –

✓ multi-sensory learning

✓ self-initiated learning

✓ fun-filled learning experience


  • In meeting with the developmental characteristics of students’ music learning abilities, MusGarden strives to inspire them to develop and internalize rhythms and musical concepts besides cultivating prolonged interest for diversified musical development during the enlightenment period through enhancement of feeling, understanding, cognition and performance; and
  • Adopting a multi-sensory learning approach through eyes, ears, mouth and hands, MusGarden guides students to acquire musical concepts in a systematic and semi-game style


  • Encouraging students to develop a sense of music and rhythm during the musical enlightenment period between the ages of 3-8;
  • Cultivating a universal and equal music campus culture so that every student has the opportunity to receive musical enlightenment without being affected by their home financial situation;
  • Improving teachers’ skills in guiding children to learn music.


MusGarden is a music teaching system composed of

  1. Course contents and revision exercises
  2. Dedicated teaching and practice software for use by teachers and students
  3. In-school teacher training
  4. Smart musical instruments, including drum pad and piano keyboard

(Designed and manufactured by the US brand KMI)

Modules and Characteristics

Kindergarten Module:

Enlightening children’s musical intelligence and cultivate creative talents. Preparing children to take Trinity level 1 snare drum exam.

Special School Module:

Meeting the learning needs of differing abilities of children with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities.

Junior Primary Module:

Grooming new members for school bands with fundamental courses in music theory and rhythm.

Our School Partners:

Pok Oi Hospital Chan Hsu Fong Lam Kindergarten
(for Classes K1-K3)

SKH Kei Wing Primary School
(for Classes P1-P3)

聖公會基榮小學 SKH Kei Wing Primary School

SKH Good Shepherd Primary School
(for Classes P1-P3)

聖公會牧愛小學 SKH Good Shepherd Primary School

Po Leung Kuk Castar Primary School
(for Classes P1-P3)

保良局世德小學 Po Leung Kuk Castar Primary School

SKH St. Timothy’s Primary School
(for Classes P1-P3)

聖公會聖提摩太小學 SKH St. Timothy's Primary School

Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School
(for Classes P1-P3)

西貢天主教崇真小學 Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School

Hong Chi Morninglight School, Yuen Long
(for Specific Classes)

匡智元朗學校 Hong Chi Morninglight School, Yuen Long

MusGarden Introduction: